One-shoulder schoolbag, as the name implies, refers to a schoolbag that is stressed on one side of the shoulder. Single-shoulder school bags are generally small in capacity and easy to carry. It is not suitable for use when going to school, and it can also be used when shopping, so the shoulder school bag has gradually become a fashion item. The main consumers of single-shoulder school bags are mainly young people; however, when using a single-shoulder bag, pay attention to the burden of one shoulder, so as to avoid uneven pressure on the left and right shoulders and affect your health.
E-bookbag is a derivative of the term schoolbag. It originally referred to some novels, a service function of literary reading websites for members. This function means that after consumers have read a certain literary work, the work will automatically enter the schoolbag. It can be read by consumers again, thus avoiding unnecessary expenses incurred by reading on the website. The application of the function of e-schoolbags has become more and more extensive; it has applications in many industries and many websites.